That’s a funny one! I’ll check out your story.

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There's a great argument against the flat earth theory which I heard recently - if the earth was flat, the cats would've knocked all the objects of the edge by now.

I've done my own very amusing lunar conspiracy story if you're interested. It reads like a movie, as you'll see: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/katys-mcguffin?r=2s9hod

In my version I didn't bother giving deodorant dude (Elon Musk) a different name. And he's not the only cameo. The soundtrack is groovy too.

Where you're going with your story is intriguing, for sure. Bermuda Triangle, perhaps?

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I had to look, and there is such a thing (according to a Popular Mechanics article from 2016): first-ever Conspira-Sea Cruise, a weeklong celebration of "alternative science.” I’m surprised the conspiracy theorists wouldn’t be too worried to gather together… I mean, what if the aliens came and hijacked the ship? Or the ship slid off the edge of the flat Earth? They would all disappear…

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No one would be left to believe in the aliens! But if the flat-earthers went over the edge they’d just be proving their point. We’d have to eat crow!

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